Hi i am susu the spastard and i'm spastic. 14teen years young and studying at scgs Warm welcome to my blog. Please spam before you leave because i like spams. Idc whether you are nice or not. just tag before you leave. thaankss! Tagboard
thats not my name - the ting tings.mp3 - Layout by: vehemency |
Sunday, December 21, 2008, 5:42 AM
Hey noobers. Today i'm gonna do something retarded. inspiration from Ting tings. THAT'S NOT MY NAME. * ahem* as you know alot or some people love calling me shu hui when my name is obviously Suhui.. so i'm gonna sing that song.. ** glass breaks***.... hahaaha. anyway, before that an update on what happened to day. As usual, slack & procastinate AGAIN. i'm supposed to do my lit.. but i didn't. Bought my sexaye kappa shoes.. it's damn coolio. at least that's what i think.. AND there's something damn weird about me today. I keep craving for hokkien mee. dang that dish. hahah. it's so damn nice. hookkkieennn meee you... whatever... THE best one can be found at Thomson. HA! trust suhui the smartie and gluttony to find such nice places to recommend to ya'll. idk where exactly and what road so if you really want to eat some fantastic hokkien mee.. then come with MEE. hahaha. okay lame. anyway, ate at icekimo it was good blablabla. but i really wanted to try the waffle shop at PAYA LABAR MRT. HEY PEEPs. school is almost starting so everybody hiong and chiong and whatever . WATCH MOVIES, slack as much as possible before your impending doom, that is, school of course.. hohoho.anyway, today i tried letting down my precious fringe which i have pinned up and suffered for aeons.. but i taboleh tahan. i think i can still see the ocheh there. as you know. i the noob accidentally screwed my own hair up. shit. i wished it was the hairdresser that did it so if she screwed it up at least i have someone to blame.. --..--- okay enough damn crapping and get moving with the song.. eh, YOU better Ting ting. ( listen listen) That's Not My Name lyricsFive little words also cannot get along It's a difficulty and you biting your tongue Keep stoning, pissing me off together People around gotta find something to say now Holding back, everyday the same Don't know why you so lame? Listen to me, oh no I never say anything at all But why you so lame? They forget my name (ame, ame, ame) They call me 'eh' They call me 'suey' They call me 'her' They call me 'rain' That's not my name That's not my name That's not my name That's not my name They call me 'retarded girl' When it's you la Shu hui, suey, Always the same That's not my name That's not my name That's not my name That's not my name You miss the catch if they throw you the ball I keep laughing at you and you Keep up, falling, these heels they keep me boring Getting clamped up and sitting on the fence now So alone all the time and I buang myself away oi, wah lau, Listen to me, I'm not Although I'm dressed up, out and all with Everything considered Wh you forget my name (ame, ame, ame) They call me 'hey' They call me 'Suey' They call me 'lame' They call me 'her' What happened to your brain? *sigh* That's not my name That's not my name That's not my name They call me 'quiet girl' But i ain't listening SHU hui shu hui Always the same AI yo, where is your brain? where is your brain? where is your brain? Are, you, calling, me, li ting? Are, you, calling, me, hui ting or wei ting? that's why i keep ha ting you so Irrita ting!! okay you get the point now hahaha. idc if you don't like it. (; because i know you do. Saturday, December 20, 2008, 5:16 AM
hello noobers xD
i am back ;D i can hear all of you say. Finally man. hahaha.. anywayzxzxz, i've been to bloody lazy to blog because.. i am lazy. hahaha. YAY i almost finished all my dang work EXCEPT BLOODY LIT. idk how to do the dang thing because it doesn't make sense. yada yada yada. what on earth is it talking about?? blablalala.WHATEVER. Went to watch the day the earth stood still today. okay this sentence sounds i watched the day the earth stood still. ahhh! that's better. * everybody kataos to my wonderful english*.. hohoh. it's okay LA. the tickets were bloody expensive. $9.50 fly away. but it's okay cause MUMMY' is paying.. * silly grin* so this wonderful daughter doesn't have to fork out a cent. .. as usual no work done. suhui has been a procastinator. I NEED TO STUDY. tommorow tommorow tommorow... suhui you better study tommorow ah.. see.. the singapore system ah, stresses you to the max man.. that explains why i am so retarded nowadays. okay.. everyday. ANNOUNCEMENT: This is to sherilyn tan hui ting .. muahahah i bet her face is gonna drop when she sees this. i am ah long.. you better return me my $ ah otherwise you will go naked without your uniform the day school reopens.. transportation fees, service charge plus goverment salary tax (gst) ah.. plus carrying tax, plus.. let me think.. plus walking tax.. grand total of $60.. aiyoh you still complain complain. already give you early worm discount you know hahaha.. valy the chip already.. hahaha. okay. i better not write anymore.. later sherilyn tan dulan report me to police... suhui scoffs*** hhahahaaa oh and i know it's very hard to read that announcement! yeah that's the point it's to train your beady eyes. hahahhaa... anyway, i am very bored and i'm gonna tell you what some of the aliases of some shops & things mean.. hahahah candidate number: 1) DBS: damn bloody stupid 2) ERP: every road pay. 3) BATA: buy and throw away.. BATA fanatics beware... ai yah got alot more but i forgot. i think my brain face and everthing has gone buang and malfunctioned beyon recognition and salvation.. good night.. i just finished my hokkien mee and i'm bloody full.. hahahah * yawns** i know suhui is a pig. smart people you all know that. oohhh one more thing: i know everyone loves to see transverstites..hohoho here's one. rain chang and don't get mistaken this is not your sexy famous rain korean whatever.. ![]() ![]() no don't be so insulting.. this one is sexier. hahahaa. don't believe ah?? go see for yourself lor... okay good night peeps. Thursday, December 11, 2008, 11:08 PM
Yesterday I went shopping x'mas shopping with aunty nancy. Took a bus to gleneagles cause i didn't know where to stop to get off at wheelock place. hahaha anyway, i found out that i could have actually taken a straight bus but oh well. Anyway, went for lunch at sakae and had some paper steamboat thingy. Happened to meet dominque on the way. Then we went to the crumpler shop to grab some bags for aunty nancy's nephews.Walked in the pool of water that greeted us when we got out of the orchard station. my slippers were getting wet. dang. plus it was the new m)phosis one that i just bought. .. nevermind. anyway, went to get fancl products and the skin analysis said that my skin was oily and beginning to lose moisture. wth. okay so i have to start on some skincarre regime. fancl is so super ex. thanks to aunty nancy who bought it for me(: haaha. and she managed to sakar my dad into buying the follow up treatment. hohohoho. so nice. ![]() that is the washing powder. You know the one you see on tv? the one that they use the powder and somehow miraculously turn it into foam ? yeah. that's the one. it's damn nice. it feels like you're using clouds to clean your face.... but when you put it on your face it gets kinda messy. and you end up looking like you just dunked your face into fluuffed up eegg white for the cake hahahaa.. ![]() ![]() i am so not used to spending so many hours in the toilet cleaning my face. but apparently if i don't my face will turn out buang when i grow up. okay i don't want that... hahaha anyway, i can get a free flow of facial wash why not? after all it's not me who is paying!. lol. planning to shape my eye brows cause i look like an idiot. my eyebrows are facing downwards and i look dumb. hahahah. one more step and i can change my buanged face. hopefully. -_- Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 6:23 AM
can't find that goddamm shirt.
A few days ago actually, many days ago, i went to bugis to buy some clothes. Freak lah. cannot find anything nice so i settled with a high-waisted shorts look a like or whatever you may call it. it cost me $18.50. so freaking expensive. but stupid suhui bought it anyways. (: AND I GOT L. the lady said that it'ss M cut. DO you know i am freaking fat?? i know all of you know that but she doesn't. hahaha. SO I NEED L. idc i bought L and she was like are you sure? fish. i want L i want la. talk so much. dowan bussiness issit?? lol. anyway,I CANNOT FIND ANYTHING. MY GOD. TODAY I WENT SHOPPING AGAIN. nothing. all i got was some slippers from m(phosis. ahahhah it looks like bedroom slippers. according to my mum. but it doesn't. I WANT THAT BF SHIRT. where is that bf shirt. shit. it's at bugis. again. arghhhhhhh... i want it now. i went to top shop wha.. so ex. you know it's $78..... crazy. buy that already no need wear pants lah. just go in underwear. sheesh. AND .. i WANTED SOMETHING from fuckendo. or whatever you call it . the one in fareast plaza. arghhh. but too bad. cannot lah.. ah yoh. anyway, i am supposed to do my work. the math the indices chapter. but i keep slacking. it's genetic. .. not my fault lah. why you blame me for? hahahhaa i'm mad today. i think eating at yoshinoku or whatever at serene centre makes you go nuts. hahah i love the wasabi chicken. whoots. so sexaye. i mean me. not the chicken.. hahahahah Ohhh. amanda and huining and some people are gonna buy wigs tommorow HAHAHAHAH. cool. today i was at parkway and i saw an ah gua shop selling really ahguafied wigs. wha i tell you the dummies holding the fake hair ah look so sibeh scary. my mum says they look like they in some trans or something hahahahhaa YAY. this holiday is fun. going out. whooots. soon. hahhaha hahhahahaha okay. today i am mad Friday, December 5, 2008, 4:36 AM
7 habbits of highly unbored teens. ( adults also applicable)
i know some of you are so freaking bored out there. so here's a survival kit so you won't die of boredom.STEP ONE: bang your head on the wall. Banging not only stimulates your neutrons it wakes you up from your semi conscious state too. Recommended dosage- about 10 times a day. Use more if required. STEP TWO: Sit in front of the computer. note: position yourself slightly towards the keyboard, and place a pillow there, so if you actually fall asleep after watching shits on the net you can land nicely on your.. keyboard pillow.. Some people need their what " AW AW" or whatever "NIA NIA" stinky things they need from their childhood days. ( ahh. so long ago!). well, stinks can range to killer to mild, depending on whether you were a smelly baby when you were younger!. Anyway, it supposedly puts some of you peeps to sleep so you can use that! STEP THREE: go irritate your friends. if your friends are as bored as you then good. then all of you can irritate each other and drive yourselves nuts. Either that you can go kaochao your parents if you are a loner kind like me. hhahaha. Eh, there is one fun way of disturbing people. Go to their houses and ring their door bells! DING DONG! ho! if you get caught just tell them that you want to wish them happy christmas! SO SIMPLE. ha. okay. STEP FOUR: Take a walk round the parks, roadss and whatever to destress. for you despo asses out there, go look at some hot boy or girl and smile at them. P.S maybe they'll ask for your number and you can go chat yourself to death.hahaha lols STEP FIVE: STUDY. anyway, i think next year it's gonna be a hard year for most of us. anyway, to whoever is reading this, studying makes you brainer and geekier. (now it's the geek fashion so geekers go study) hahahaha Personally, when i have nothing better to do i study. i mean i don't study just when i feel like it but you should study to kill boredom. next.. STEP SIX: Go out with suhui. suhui rocks. she's another bored ass. she's bored and if you're bored then it'll be interesting cause' minus times minus equals plus. so bored x bored equals interesting! hahah. see? so nifty and innovative yeah? STEP SEVEN: now you have mastered all the steps of curing boredom, you should be living your life and should have kicked your bad boredom habbit. If you are still bored. you will not get a refund for your time spent reading crap like this. All i can say is you are a loser ( just kidding) and just get a life. hahahah.. go commit suicide and cry and be emo i say! .. done. now i present you with the certificate of un-boringness name: fill in x.s.z..zx..z.z. shit xxssx age: 1390482-0 old lao liao I'm pleased to announce (so and so sososo) has qualified and certified by suhui that you are a pure noober and you are now cured of your boredom. susu<< this is the signature bored of directors Monday, December 1, 2008, 9:00 PM
it's over
Ho yesterday was World Aid's day. Hahaha you know that actor acting as bufan on the bufan de ai right? Now i remember him as bufan, i can't remember his name at all. hohoho. aids guy. Anyway, now it's that little nonya right? farnie, now they're having everything nonya. from nonya food to a nonya sequel. T.T so weird. hahaha. anyway, i'm actually from prenakan roots. my mum's side is peranakan, so since i was young, i lived on traditional perenakan dishes like buakelua, which is actually this nut filled with black stuff and chicken. ![]() okay this is not my picture but i stole it cause today my family cooked tao kua instead of this. Anyway, this is actually for special occasions. Sometimes, you will get little shards of bones in the bua kelua, but my grandmother's dish doesn't have any cause she painstakingly debones the chickenn and cleans out the buakelua so it's all ready for hassle free eating. Oh, btw, it's not a local nut, it's actually an indonesian nut. But you still can find it in singapore. Another dish we commonly eat is the ta-yubak i'm not sure whether it's the correct spelling but that's how it's said. It's actually babi something. as you know, "babi is actually pork in malay lah. There are two versions, one is a spicy one and the other one is the non spicy one. The spicy one looks a little like curry, but the non spicy one is black, both dishes have boiled eggs. I can't find the picture but if my maid cooks it i'll show it to you. Then they have the green curry, which has it's origins from thai of course. It's called kromak, or something. It's kinda spicy, but perenakan's love spice i think. well, at least my family does. anyway, dessert time, you know those stuff they sell at begawan, it's actually all perenakan. Although all the names are in malay, i'll just descibe how it looks like to you. One of them is the some jonkong or something it's very creamy and it has some kaya or green stuff on top. it can be pandan, yeah, but ppl like to use kaya cause it's cheaper. They also have some like prawn thingy with rice and dyed blue. that one is super nice but it's very very oily. my father's brother's wife my aunt) can make good ones. hahha too bad i only go to her house like once a year. My grandmother can make the rice with kaya one but she uses her homegrown pandan instead. hahaah. and you know the cake something like the one for praying, yah, that one is really nice although it's not exactly like the praying one. this one has lemon, and sprite! weird right? yeah. my grandmother adds gassy drinks like sprite and coke. I wonder what they used when they didn't have all these carbonated drinks in the past? T.T |
Melvin |